


  • 幼稚園・保育園・小学校・中学校・高校・大学の演劇教育に携わる教師
  • 劇団の代表者および劇作家・演出家・俳優・スタッフ・制作者等
  • 研究者・評論家・地域の演劇活動に携わる指導者等


  • 「児童青少年演劇地方巡回公演」等の児童青少年向けの各種の公演事業
  • 幼稚園・保育園の教師を対象とした「幼児の劇あそび夏季講習会」、児童生徒及び教師のためのワークショップや研修会の開催
  • 「劇あそび勉強会」「表現教育研究会」等の各種研究会の開催
  • 機関紙『児童青少年演劇』(毎月1回)、その他の出版物発行

About Japan Association of Theatre for Children and Young People

Japan Association of Theatre for Children and Young People is an organization for the performing arts for children and young people. Since established 1948, the association has been targeting, through our activities to provide meaningful performing arts experience for young audience, on motivating all the children in Japan to be positive, creative, and proactive supporters to the upcoming world and future generations.

Our members are individuals such as

- Teachers in the field of drama/theatre and education at kindergarten, elementary school, middle and high schools, and universities.
- Representatives of theatre groups, playwrights, dramatists, directors, actors, or anyone engaging in the theatre plays.
- Researchers, critics. drama instructors.

We presently organize the following activities
- Provincial tours of youth theatres
- Workshops for the teachers and students of nursery schools and kindergartens
- Meetings of research and study groups
- Publication of monthly journal

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